Activities, Geometry, Google Slides, Thinking Questions, Triangle Congruence, Triangle Theorems

Exit Tickets for Triangles Unit

It’s nice when you find an activity that you can just USE. If you are getting ready to teach or review triangle congruence, hopefully these exit tickets will be helpful.

I give these the same day I teach a new lesson. Students get feedback from me until they have correct answers. It has worked very well during our hybrid schedule but I plan to keep doing it when we go back in person.

These slides are interactive so you will want to make a copy for each student. You can edit the content by going to view-Master. I create it there so the static parts don’t move.

Each one is set to template. If you would like to keep the activity, just select the get template button in the top right corner.

Corresponding Congruent Parts

Isosceles and Equilateral Triangle Theorems

Triangle Sum and Exterior Angle Theorems

Triangle Congruence Theorems

Triangle Congruence Proofs

I hope you find these useful. I am working on a set for Similarity. I’ll post them soon!

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