BreakoutEDU, Triangle Congruence

Triangle Congruence Breakout

I love Breakout games and watching students interact with each other to solve problems. What I don’t like about physical breakout games is students missing out on some of the puzzles. The collaboration is great, but when using it as a review, not all students experience the same things. Digital breakouts can be done in groups of 2 or individually and allow the students to experience all of the puzzles.

I’ve created one digital breakout before and students loved it. This new one, called was so much fun to make. The student enjoyed the personification of the triangle as well and started picking their own favorites and rooting for which one they would prefer Anglea to end up with.

If you want to create your own digital breakout, head over to Infinitely Teaching where I have a tutorial and some resources to create your own.

Click on the image below to go to the Breakout. If you use this breakout, please give me feedback. I love to improve based on good feedback.

Screen Shot 2018-10-18 at 7.58.03 AM

**Update** link to answers and clues here.

11 thoughts on “Triangle Congruence Breakout”

  1. I don’t get it. At all. I have been to all the pages (so adorable!) and have the AAS song stuck in my head but have no idea where I’m supposed to get answers from or how this works. Have you done a post on this? I am feeling very obtuse, but having acute anxiety.


  2. Hi Mandi,

    I’m teaching congruent triangles currently and I’m interested in using your Breakout Puzzle. Would you be able to give me the answers or tell me where I can get them? Just so I know how the game works so I can help my kiddos if they need it.


  3. This site is AMAZING!! I really want to use it with my students, but my district does not allow them to access google sites made out of our district. Do you know of any ways to work around this?


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